A collective effort- A better future

Synonymous with new beginnings and growth, the word blossom is symbolic of how life should be for all of us. However, there are a large number of people out there who are not only deprived of the right opportunities in life but also of the basic necessities that are essential for a good living. This is where we at blossom step in and ensure that the right steps are initiated towards the upliftment of those who are less privileged.

One of the most aced, eminent, and leading NGOs in the pink city, we at blossom are a group of dedicated and passionate women who want to make a difference and make this world a better and a happier place for many. In 7 years, we at Blossom have been the force behind the good health, education, and better living conditions of more than 34000 children and thousands of women all across Rajasthan.

As we are growing and developing with every passing day, we are realizing the power of your support. As an NGO we firmly believe that when more people come together for the right cause tremendous potential is generated for the curation of a better world.


The contribution of blossoms and their team members in just not ensuring the smooth functioning of our school but also in shaping the future of hundreds of children remains unmeasurable. As an organization, they have always extended their support and facilitated our various needs and requirements. Your contribution in the form of supplying us with many essentials has enabled us to create the right environment and structure for the school. Thank you for all that you have done for us.

Mahatma Gandhi Government School Letter of appreciation

There are many things needed on a day-to-day basis when you are running a girl's welfare home. If there is one organization that has always stood by us and played pivotal role in the upbringing of the girls in our institutions is that of Blossoms. Right from supplying fruits and vegetables to monthly groceries, their contribution to the lives of our girls has been nothing short of magic. We thank you with all your heart and look forwards to your support always.

Anchal Girls Home Letter Of Appreciation

As the principal of Sajal Prakhar School, I Rajbala Sharma want to extend my gratitude and acknowledgment to Blossom and their team members for their never-ending support. Today thanks to them, not only the children of the village are being provided with their right to education but also doing the same in a good and stable environment. We will always be thankful for all their efforts and for constantly supporting us with funds to run the school flawlessly

Sajal Prakhar school Pricipal - Rajbala Sharma.

Blossoms and their team members came to our aid when we were struggling with many problems with the school. Right from taking care of the repairs to painting to ensuring the availability of furniture and other essentials, it is only because of them, that today the school is back in a working condition and we are able to impart education to the children of the village.

Government School Heerapura, Phagi.

Marriage is the dream of every girl. I want to sincerely thank Blossoms and their team members for playing a significant role in making my dream come true in the most beautiful ways. Their financial, emotional, and moral support towards paving the way for the most crucial journey of my life will always hold a special part in my life. Thank you, team blossoms, me and my parents will always be grateful to you for providing us with strong financial aid for my marriage.


Thanks to Blossom team and Sunita Di for providing 2 - 1000 liters of water tanks for watering the plants at many places. This is a great organization working for the protection of the environment. Would like to appreciate the team for their continuous and prompt support.

Team Raksha

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