Our Programs

Child Education

The role of education in the development of not just a person but also a nation remains unmatched and unparalleled. Education is essential to not just shape the future of an individual but also to instill the values of discipline, wisdom, and intelligence in the life of a person.

At Blossoms, we firmly believe that education should be the basic right of every child in the country. But unfortunately, due to many reasons, there are lakhs of small children, that are deprived of this basic necessity. As an NGO, our priority is to reach out to as many children as possible and to ensure not just their admissions but also the provision of uniforms, books, bags, and their mid-time meals.

As a collective force, Blossoms have been the reason behind the education of thousands of children all over the pink city. Our mission is to transform the children of today into strong and independent adults of tomorrow.

Restoration of Government Schools

There is no denying the fact that a lot of positive efforts have been made by the government to provide free education to children all across the country. But the sad truth remains that there is a large majority of schools that are not functioning effectively due to many reasons. While some are struggling with the remuneration of the teachers, some find it difficult to arrange for the books and stationeries, some have mid-day meal problems, and so on.

At Blossom, we endeavor to take up these government schools, address their issues, solve them and bring the schools back to a working conditions. This restoration process has enabled us to restart many government schools. Today these schools are running in full swing and paving the way for many opportunities for the children of the country.

Women Empowerment

We are a part of a world where there are multiple talks and discussions regarding women’s empowerment. Even though these talks have initiated a lot of positive and genuine attempts all over the world, there is still a lot that needs to be done in this direction. With evident inequality still existing between the two sexes in many parts of the world, the need for women’s equality is on a high like never before.

At Blossoms, we ensure that we are doing more than our bit to uplift and enhance this powerful section of society. By teaching them a wide array of skills such as stitching, knitting, and other courses, our aim to is to make a majority of women independent, confident, and prepared for a better and brighter future. We believe that no girl should be treated as a burden just due to her marriage expense. we aim to provide all the funds required for a wedding and help to raise funds to support the families to get their daughters married in order to save them from ailments like dowry and suicide due to lack of funds.

Plantation/ Animal Welfare

There is no secret in the fact that global warming has become one of the biggest crises in today’s time and age. Countries all across the world are facing harsh and unexpected weather conditions. With the glaciers melting at a high speed like never before it has become the responsibility of one and all to take active and immediate steps towards the imposing climate problems.

Plantations, water harvesting, and conservations are among some of the most robust ways to solve these problems. At Blossoms, we are working in collaboration with several NGOs and other groups to plant thousands of saplings and plants all over the country. We are also actively working towards taking care of the stray animals on the streets and taking care of their issues regarding shelter, food, medication, etc.

Community Service

Community service is the only way through which a person gets an opportunity to contribute their share to the community and work towards building not just a better society, but also a better city, state, and nation. At Blossoms, we firmly believe that active community service not only gives people a chance to help others who are less privileged but also addresses the several ongoing problems of those around us.

Through our community service, we aim at working on several issues such as development skills, arranging for medical funds, doctors’ appointments, Counseling, etc.

Orphanages & Old Age Homes

Small and growing children and senior citizens are among the most vulnerable groups in our society. It is the responsibility of all to ensure that this section does not stay ignored and that all the right steps are being taken to ensure their proper care and development.

At Blossoms, we are associated with many orphanages and old-age homes. From taking care of their everyday basic needs to their education, activities, to their medical expenses, recreational activities, etc. our focus is to take strong and steady steps towards their happiness and upliftment.

Health/ Medical

They say health is wealth and rightly so. Good health is a must to ensure the emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of a person. At Blossoms, we have the good fortune of being associated with some of the best and the leading hospitals and doctors in the city.
We provide medical aid in terms of hospital bills, medicines, doctor appointments, etc. This allocation of funds and affordable assistance has worked magic for thousands of people and has paved the way for their healthy and pain-free existence.

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